Plastic-Free MKE is seeking a Social Media Volunteer!
Plastics are a growing threat to human and environmental health. 22 million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes each year, half of which is in Lake Michigan. Plastic-Free MKE is a movement comprised of dedicated volunteers, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and local businesses. Our goal is to reduce single-use plastics in Milwaukee and surrounding communities.
This is your opportunity to amplify the message of a cause you care about! We are seeking a volunteer with experience in Facebook and Instagram communications. Ideally you have some background in graphic design and communications, and are willing to lend your skills! You will be working collaboratively with our small Communications Team to create and curate content for our Facebook page and Instagram account. Our team will provide guidance with post content, curation, and creation.
Hour commitment: 10 hours / month
Volunteering with us serves as a great resume builder, provides additional experience in social media management and content creation, and connects you to a community of environmental volunteers and activists.
If interested, please email info@plasticfreemke and include:
A few sentences explaining why you’re interested
A description of your experience in communications
A sample post from your Instagram
Your phone number and when you’re available for a phone call
We can’t wait for you to join us in striving towards a Milwaukee free of single-use plastics!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @plasticfreemke !