Collective Action Resources
To truly accomplish our mission of creating a healthier Milwaukee for everyone, we all need to put forth our best effort and take action - because individual actions, when combined with the actions of others, manifest change that would not be possible alone. One message said by thousands amplifies our collective voice and brings us all closer to being free from the harms of unnecessary plastics.
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.
1: Get involved with family & Friends
Here are three ways you can reduce plastic waste within our community, right now! You can register to volunteer for Plastic-Free MKE, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, or even register to attend upcoming webinars to learn more about how plastic is harming our health, our planet, and our waterways.
2: write to companies
Tell companies to choose more sustainable packaging. Remind them that they are responsible for stopping plastic pollution at its source and request that they make a change. Remember, writing letters of recognition to companies that are already doing great things, is a great thing to do, too! Use this sample letter for help!
3: become lake friendly
Work with your neighborhood to become lake friendly! Your neighborhood doesn’t need to be by or on the lake to see the benefits of being lake friendly. With a growing awareness of the damage that plastic pollution causes to our city, home-owners are looking to find a way to do their part.
4: Post on social media
Help spread plastic awareness through social media - Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and more! Use hashtags and tag relevant profiles to share the latest plastic news and get the most views. Be sure to have your family and friends like, repost, or share! Here’s more tips & tricks.
5: write to local officials
Host a writing workshop party with friends! Get your local officials’ attention to ban many of the most common sources of single-use plastic pollution! Using these sample bills, sample letters, and sample petitions can help to pass a law and get these problem items under control.
6: Conduct a brand audit with Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Help Milwaukee Riverkeeper conduct a brand audit by adopting a river! A brand audit gives us the necessary data that helps to target the most pressing pollution problems and create more targeted solutions. By adopting a river, picking up trash, and creating an audit, you will also help to reduce plastic waste in our community!