Resources to Live Plastic Free
When it comes to cities, Milwaukee’s been called America’s best kept secret. We may not be a big city, but that has never stopped us from accomplishing big things. After all, we’re home to six Fortune 500 companies, surrounded by world-class museums, and host to the world’s largest music festival. What’s not a secret is that plastic pollution is an epidemic affecting every part of our planet and we know our city can do its part to make a difference right here at home. Because every piece of plastic ever made is here to stay, our focus now needs to shift from recycling to reducing. And reducing begins with all of us—refusing.
Fun Fact:
What goes around, comes right back around! Community members have brought the grassroots movement Boomerang Bags to Milwaukee, providing an easy and sustainable solution to single-use plastic bags. Learn more about Boomerang Bags.
Not-so-fun Fact:
While other states are doing their part to ban single-use plastic bags, we have a ban on banning single-use plastic bags and other items. Unfortunately, industry lobbyists have won laws in several Great Lakes states that block the ability of local governments to implement bans or fees on many plastic items.
The best thing you can do to reduce the plastic piling up in Milwaukee is to refuse.
1: ReFuse single-use plastic bags
Whether you call it a bay-g or a bag, it’s time to say goodbye to plastic ones and byob. While it may seem daunting, just think of all the positives - reusable bags are sturdier, look nicer, and help save our city from pollution. Check out some easy eco-alternatives!
2: refuse single-use plastic CUPS
Love your morning latte? Nowadays most places will actually give you some money off if you bring your own tumbler to fill. At an event? Try to avoid buying certain beverages if you notice they don’t come in compostable cups.
It’s important to stay hydrated, and that’s why it’s best to bring a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go! The Refill app allows you to add a refill station in your area. Check it out and start adding public water refill stations!
4: refuse single-use utensils
Plastic shouldn’t have a place at your table. Try to use real flatware whenever you can. You’ll enjoy your meal more and it simply works better. Ordering out? For take out orders, kindly share you don’t need any utensils. Dining in? Be sure to bring your transportable utensil case. Don’t have one, invest or DIY your own!
5: Refuse single-use straws
Fortunately, you don’t need a straw to drink beer. That said, if you prefer beverages that do require a straw, look for sustainable alternatives. There’s even collapsible straws with protective cases for when you’re on the go! And remember, if you are in Milwaukee - skip the straw, it’s the law!
Fun Fact:
Some local restaurants, cafes, and businesses in Milwaukee have agreed to follow these plastic-free guidelines and become Lake Friendly with Plastic-Free MKE! Supporting local is a great and easy way to live plastic free and ensure that our waters stay clear of plastic.
Not so fun fact:
Sadly, single-use plastic products like plastic water bottles, bags, tobacco products, and take-out containers make up ~80% of the trash collected in our rivers annually. And more than 22 million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes each year, half of which is in Lake Michigan.