November Newsletter


Check Out Our Lake Friendly Neighborhood Program!

Become a Lake Friendly Neighborhood!

Your neighborhood doesn't need to be on the lake to see the benefits of being Lake Friendly. With a growing awareness of the damage that plastic pollution causes to our city (and our planet), home-owners and renters are looking to find a way to do their part - and becoming a Lake Friendly neighbor is a great way to do just that! If you are a member of a Milwaukee neighborhood group and are interested in helping your community become Lake Friendly, please contact us!


We are so excited to announce that Sherman Park is Plastic-Free MKE's first official Lake Friendly neighborhood! If you are a Sherman Park resident, sign the home pledge to affirm your household's commitment to having a positive impact in your community. By doing so, you will also be supporting your neighborhood's pledge to protect our city from plastic pollution. Don't forget to showcase your support with a co-branded yard sign! Thank you for your commitment, Sherman Park. 


Stay Engaged


Enter: The NOAA Marine Debris Art Contest!

The NOAA Marine Debris Program holds an annual art contest to reach K-8 students and help raise awareness about marine debris. The resulting calendar, featuring the winning artwork, will provide a daily reminder for how important it is to be stewards of the ocean. We highly encourage your children or students to be creative, learn more about plastic pollution, and submit their artwork to help Save our Waters!


Submit your artwork!


Investigate: Filtered Not Bottled

Water comes to your tap through service lines and some of them are made of lead, an extremely dangerous toxic metal.  Households impacted by lead service lines should have access to options for filtered water, not plastic bottles, because single-use plastic water bottles are harmful to human and environmental health.

Plastic-Free MKE fully supports this urgent recommendation for municipalities to provide filtered water. Learn more about how PFMKE combats single-use water bottles through our Refill Stations!


Learn more from PPC


Explore: 30 Ways to Reduce Plastic At Home

It may feel impossible to go plastic free, however taking one action at a time, building that habit, and then committing to another can make it feel more manageable. Progress over perfection is the most sustainable goal. Making changes room by room in your own household can be those first steps to positive change in the plastic crisis. 


Explore more


Watch: Mindful Gifting for Healthier Holidays

The Plastic Pollution Coalition is hosting a webinar on Thursday, November 17th from 4:00PM - 5:00PM CST to discuss a healthier holiday season. Unfortunately, cultural norms around holiday gift giving often create an ocean of waste in their wake - in packaging and wrapping. Fortunately, we can gift mindfully for healthier, lower waste holidays. Join Alejandra Warren and Dr. Manasa Mantravadi to learn more!


Register now


Plastics in the News


Your Laundry Sheds Harmful Microfibers. Here's What You Can Do About It

"We now know that clothing, bedding, and other textiles shed microplastics in fiber form are major contributors to global plastic pollution. These microfibers, which are stripped and carried off by friction and turbulence in the washing machine, enter our wastewater, eventually ending up in the environment."


Read the full article

The Push to Scale Plant-Based Plastics

"But when it comes to producing more sophisticated materials such as plastic, biomanufacturing falls short. Most of the proteins used to trigger these reactions are destroyed or degraded in the process, making it too expensive to make stuff at scale. It is by addressing that issue that FabricNano hopes to jump-start the industry and make it competitive."


Read the full article

The Price of Plastic Pollution: Social Costs and Corporate Liabilities

"The costs to society from plastic pollution — including environmental clean-up, ecosystem degradation, shorter life expectancy and medical treatment — exceed US$100bn per year, according to this research which sheds light on the growing global plastics crisis."

Download the full report

Plastic Pollution Robs Fish of Nutrients

"'Even if we are able to decrease, or even eliminate plastic from polluting our water, the damage is already done and the impact will be long-lasting,' said Osvaldo Jhonatan Sepulveda Villet, an assistant professor at the School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee." 


Read the full article


Celebrating YOU! 


You are invited to A Flowing Tradition: Annual Member Gathering

As we reflect on the year's successes, we want to thank the people that made it all possible - YOU. Enjoy food and fellowship with other river lovers, hear from the Milwaukee Riverkeeper crew yourself, and celebrate a few dedicated volunteers, our 2022 River Heroes!

When: Wednesday, November 16th at 5:30 - 7:30pm

Where: School of Freshwater Sciences (600 E. Greenfield Ave.)

Register now!