July Newsletter


Celebrate Plastic-Free July!

Play Plastic-Free July Bingo and Win!

Join Plastic-Free MKE in celebrating Plastic-Free July with a sustainable round of bingo! From bringing your own bag shopping to supporting a Lake Friendly business, there are so many ways to get involved. See how many squares you can cross off while reducing your plastic use. Did someone say prizes? The first 5 people to complete a row of sustainable swaps and return the filled bingo sheet to us will win a Plastic-Free MKE aluminum water bottle. The first person to send us a fully completed bingo card with ALL squares marked off will receive a Plastic-Free MKE T-shirt. Post your completed bingo card on Facebook or Instagram and tag us OR email your completed bingo card to info@plasticfreemke.org in order to win! We can't wait to see your cards!




Tall Guy And A Grill Is Lake Friendly!

Help us welcome the newest business to become Lake Friendly, Tall Guy and a Grill!

"Tall Guy and a Grill is a farm-to-fork catering company serving the Greater Milwaukee area with the inspired flavors and compassionate hospitality of Wisconsin." Along with being the first and only certified Green Caterer in the state of Wisconsin, they are now Lake Friendly! The next time you are looking for a caterer for your sustainable event, keep this Lake Friendly business in mind.

Click here to visit their website


Stay Engaged


Attend: Green & Healthy Schools 6th Annual Conference

Join the Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee for the Green and Healthy Schools 6th Annual Conference. The Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee has teamed up with Plastic-Free MKE to make this the first ever Lake Friendly Conference! Learn how schools in the Milwaukee area are removing asphalt and enhancing their schoolyards with outdoor classrooms, improved recreation, arts, green infrastructure, and project-based learning.

Click here to learn more


Volunteer: Sign Up To Participate In An Adopt-A-River Cleanup

We may be halfway through Plastic-Free July, but there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved. Help Milwaukee Riverkeeper and their river adopters in a cleanup to remove plastic waste and other trash from Milwaukee's rivers. Sign up today and mark off a square on your Plastic-Free July bingo card!

Click here to sign up


Write: Urge Shipping Giant Maersk To STOP Shipping Plastic Waste Overseas

Help Beyond Plastics urge Maersk, an international shipping giant, to stop shipping plastic waste from richer countries to those that are less affluent. Dumping single-use plastic waste allows the plastic industry to increase their plastic production, while threatening the health and environment of the countries to which the waste is exported.

Click here to take action


Plastics in the News


Outpost Natural Foods Co-Op Aims To Reduce Single-use Plastic Starting With Water Bottles

Plastic-Free MKE coalition member Outpost Natural Foods Cooperative is "urging shoppers, 'Don’t Buy this Water Bottle. Buy this Bottle Instead' as part of a new instore and online education program aimed at reducing the purchase and use of single-use plastic." They also participated as a panelist in our June webinar focusing on the topic of bringing a reusable container system to Milwaukee.

Read the full article here

Can A Future Fleet Of Robotic Fish Clean Up The Ocean?

"Researchers at Sichuan University in China created a fish-bot made of a light-activated material that can absorb microplastics as it swims in water."

Read the full article here

What Would Happen If We Stopped Using Plastic?

Plastic has seeped into every aspect of our existence. Can we live without it?"

Read the full article here

Ideas For Taking Plastic Free July Beyond Reducing Single-Use Plastic

"Whether this is your first Plastic Free July or you’ve been celebrating the holiday since it first began in 2011, here are five ideas for taking Plastic Free July 2021 to the next level."

Read the full article here


Volunteer Opportunities!


Plastic-Free MKE is Seeking Volunteers for Summer Events

Become a voice for Plastic-Free MKE at local events this summer! Educate community members about the environmental, social, and health impacts of single-use plastics. Upcoming opportunities include:

Water Refill Stations

Table for Plastic-Free MKE at public events

Click here to sign up